a name that can be named is not the constant name

It is interesting to see how hypertext has gone from being a grand possibility to a never-finished chore. --Ted Nelson

[the tao/dao that can be told . . .] [tai chi] [book of change] [book of sand] [end of the internet]

Wednesday, June 28, 2006


war is not the answer

(Friends Committee on National Legislation)

Iowa City Police
Daily activity log

6/18/2006 11:15:00 PM

Activity : Information Only

Details: comp advising her anti-war sign and a neighbors anti-war sign taken from their yards probably overnight did not wish to speak to an officer now will call back if requesting further assistance.

Monday, June 26, 2006


sunday after work

Sunday after work I attended the Iowans for Peace fundraising dinner for the Pastors for Peace Cuba Caravan
at Ten South.

Afro-Cuban music was performed by Euforquestra.

Later in the evening, after returning home, I stopped in at the Copy Exchange.

Sunday, June 25, 2006


on the way home

Thursday afternoon Pomedome stopped by the library where I work.

After my shift was finished we took care of a couple of errands and then stopped in at the Glass Lodge before heading back to my home.



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