a name that can be named is not the constant name
It is interesting to see how hypertext has gone from being a grand possibility to a never-finished chore. --Ted Nelson
[the tao/dao that can be told . . .] [tai chi] [book of change] [book of sand] [end of the internet]
Sunday, September 13, 2009
I Ching/Yi Jing
Old Fogey's Guide to the Book of Change
This is version o.23 (August 1995)
version 2.6aversion 2.5More About I Ching/Yi Jing"Of all the records of the soul the I Ching/Yi Jing is among the most ancient and most holy."
It is also one of the earliest surviving examples of a hypertext document.
At its most basic level the I Ching/Yi Jing is a collection of sixty-four figures each of which is comprised of of six lines. Each line is either broken or unbroken, open or closed, off or on. Each six lined figure, called a hexagram, represents a particular situation. Over the years several basic texts and innumerable commentaries have been associated with each hexagram in order to describe the situation it represents.
Consult the classic of change/the changing classicOn-lineThere are at least two web pages from which it is possible to use a
Sun workstation to cast a hexagram in order to investigate the texture
and structure of the present moment and seek some clue about the
prevailing and emerging situations.
One page is at
Another page is available from the folks at
Enternet Communications.
At one time an I Ching program was included as part of the Sun operating system.
Disk of Change/I Ching/YiJing programs for the home computerIf you would like to consult the I Ching/Yi Jing without being online
Talis has an I Ching program for Windows. Several Macintosh HyperCard
versions of the I Ching/Yi Jing are available. Several versions are
also available for MS-DOS computers. Consult the bibliography for
further details.
Traditional methodsThere are other methods of casting a hexagram which require less
machinery. These include the three coin method and the
yarrow stalkmethod.
Introductory material and commentariesA brief history of the development of the I Ching/Yi Jing is available from
Rick Le Mon's I Ching
page includes some introductory information
about trigrams and an English translation of the basic text.
article by Terrence Payne which describes the structure and
relationships of the hexagrams is available from his page Tao of I Ching.
brief introduction to the I Ching/Yi Jing by Paul Williams appeared
in Crawdaddy! magazine in 1973.
The Ten Wings and other commentariesBeyond the basic text the earliest layer of commentaries is known as
the Ten Wings. This material was compiled by the ealy Confucians.
Check back again later for more details.
ThanksThanks for visiting this web page. Hopefully it will be updated
frequently, so stop back again sometime soon.
This page is maintained by [old fogey] for milfoil communications
and was last updated August 7, 1995.
Thanks to
Global Information Analysis Networking Technologies for
providing Silicone Prairie as a public web server.
Thanks to Panda and the
Information Arcade at the University of Iowa
Library. Without these two projects it would not be possible to make
this presentation.
"I don't believe in I Ching."--
John Lennon"You don't have to believe in it for it to work."--
Chester Anderson
I Ching at the UCLA CAD Lab (1993)
Please let me know if there are any problems
I-Ching Information
Do you strive to understand.....
Try to grasp the forces that affect your life.....
This document will perform an I-Ching reading for you. There is also
some additional information regarding how this program generates
Explore the power of prophecy and how it can affect you.
Concentrate on a problem or question facing you now, when you have it
well visualized, select the icon to obtain your reading.
here to cast the coins.
Jonathan Katz (at
Additional Information: (yes, I guess I take submissions...)
Advanced I Ching: The Structure of a Well- Ordered Family This is an unreviewed paper written by Terrence Payne.
Implementation NotesHere are a couple of interestion notes on how our I-Ching readings are
generated. I tried to capture how a real reading was cast to the
highest degree possible.
In pursuit of the above goal:
* Lines are generated from bottom to top.
* Random numbers of 2 and 3 are generated to capture the proper
numerical symbology
Why are you here?!?!?Jonathan Katz: A retrospective.
(About time, dont you think?)
Why Jonathan is disgruntled about his Web Server...
Well... My former goal of putting all information available at UCLA on-line
is essentially dead. InfoUCLA (an "official" group) is doing that. Perhaps,
one day, they will put up information interesting to students , but, either
way, they have made it clear that they do not appreciate me doing general
UCLA things.....
I have at least been getting good feedback on my Tarot Card, I-Ching, and
Biorhythm, servers, so, I dont feel totally quashed.
Major Factors in Jonathan's Life...
[Image] UCLA (as a student)
Current Classes (Summer 1995)
o Physics 6B
o Physics 8AL
Current Majors
o Cognitive Science
o Micro-Biology and Molecular Genetics
Do you really want to know?
[Image] UCLA (as an employee)
* Facility Manager, UCLA Computer Aided Design Laboratory
* Facility Manager, UCLA IME Product Design Classroom
Computers were a hobby, now I work with them as a job. You too can develop
skills to obtain a position in a thankless profession. If I studied
Cognitive Science, I would say that I am getting overcompensated which is
leading to a state of discontent and lack of feeling for initial inherent
enjoyment of computers that I used to enjoy. Sure, those psych models work
for other people, but, they couldn't be working on me....
Random Biographical Information...
[Image] 6'0", 156lb.
[Image] Brown hair & hazel eyes (look at the picture [:-)] )
[Image] Born: Feburary 20th, 1969 (bet you dont send email!)
[Image] Born/raised in Los Angeles (Like, in the valley)
[Image] Currently live in Encino (remember the song?)
Some Things I like...
Welp, I really don't have time now to throw in a biography, but, I guess
some obvious things to say are that I am a member of the The Magic Castle in
Hollywood, I have a dry sense of humor, and I like when people cook for me
(if you are considering this, I dont eat meat (eggs and cheese are ok) and I
dont eat mushrooms).
My current biorhythm is here for no other reason than "because I can".
The location of my birthday in PI is here for no other reason than "because
I can".
[ ]
[ ]
Friday, September 11, 2009
Finding It On the Internet
Finding It On the Internet (1994)
by Paul Gilster
Page 150
A Panoply of Diverse Information
World Wide Web does not yet have its
Veronica, the all-purpose search tool for
Gopher that scours a database of collected resources to simplify the search process. The best word to describe the
Web in its current form is "unwieldy," a gigantic bazaar of information, which is both fascinating and frustrating to use. Rather than making quick, targeted searches into the
Web, you may find yourself drawn into extended sesions of exploration Here, then, are some intriguing way stations along the search path. They are presented to hint at the
Web's riches.
I ChingIn ancient times, people cast sticks upon the ground to provide the numerical references by which to query the
I Ching, the Chinese book of prophecy. Like its counterpart in Delphi, the
I Ching is an oracle of unusually cryptic language, one that requires reflection and, perhaps, the powers of the subconscious mind to untangle. The telecommunications age version of the
I Ching is accessed via the Internet, as shown in Figure 6.13, where the
Web is using a Telnet connection to bring you information.
I found this under the listing of information by subject on the
Web's home page, under a Fortune Telling category that also includes links to electronic Tarot [p.151] cards and a cyberspace reading of your current biorhythms. Hint: those in the know tell me that when using the
I Ching, you should place your hands upon the keyboard and concentrate on your current situation before pressing the
RETURN key, which rolls the digital dice. As for understanding what the I Ching tells you you're on your own.
Figure 6.13
Running an electronic version of the
I Ching through Telnet as mediated by the Web.
I-Ching [45/162]
The southwest furthers.
The Northeast does not further.
It furthers one to see the great man.
Perseverance brings good fortune.
Water on the mountain.
The image of Obstruction.
Thus the superior man turn his attention to himself
And molds his character.
Six at the beginning means:
Going leads to obstruction.
Coming meets with praise.
Six in the second lplace means:
The king's servant is beset by obstruction upon obstruction.
But it is not his own fault
Nine in the third place means:
Going leads to . . .
Back. Up.
for more. Quit. or Help:
Gilster, Paul, (1949- )
Finding it on the internet : the essential guide to archie, Veronica, Gopher, WAIS, WWW (including Mosaic), and other search and browsing tools / New York : Wiley, c1994.
On page 135 (Table 6.1) Gilster provides an early version of the WWW Virtual Library that includes a Fortune-telling category that does not appear in later versions.
I-Ching is number [30] out of [96] entries.
December 2005
January 2006
March 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
March 2007
May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
September 2007
October 2007
February 2008
March 2008
March 2009
September 2009
January 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
February 2011
March 2011
April 2011
September 2011
December 2011
February 2012
October 2012
November 2014
May 2015