a name that can be named is not the constant name

It is interesting to see how hypertext has gone from being a grand possibility to a never-finished chore. --Ted Nelson

[the tao/dao that can be told . . .] [tai chi] [book of change] [book of sand] [end of the internet]

Sunday, July 16, 2006


Rick, we can see you've been back in town again.
Your cards were scattered all over the place
(especially on the third floor of the university library).

Just one question:

President of what?

p.s. Perhaps you could include a sample poem or two on your website,
so that folks could have some idea what your book is like.


Rick is also know as "Iowa Blackie". He has been a self-identified hobo virtually his whole adult life. He attends the Hobo Convention in Brit, Iowa. He found his true calling early in life. A very nice fellow, with an interesting life perspective. - John Tinker
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